Brief Overview

Utilizing a collection of therapeutic approaches, I seek to help couples identify and communicate their emotions, needs, desires, and boundaries with one another and support them in defining their relationship for themselves - based off of these very personal factors. I believe that every couple should have the freedom from societal norms to define their own roles and expectations within the relationship, while still considering the impact this may have on their community/family. I seek to help couples break out of their unhealthy cycles and develop a healthier form of communication and connection. I offer couples therapy to any and all combinations of sexual and gender orientations.

$240 per 50 min. session


$360 per 75 min. session

How I Work With Couples

  1. Typically, I will first hold a free 30-minute consultation with both clients present to decide if we feel the therapeutic fit is right.

  2. Then if we all agree that it is a good client-therapist match, we schedule our initial appointment and I send over paperwork for both members to sign.

  3. The first session is always held with both members together, where we usually work together to create goals for therapy and begin the process itself.

  4. Next, I meet with each person individually to get to know their personal history and what they are bringing to the relationship.

  5. I then ask that the couple agree to meet with me as a pair on a weekly bases, or until it is determined that more or less frequent sessions are required.

  6. In between these sessions, and based off of need, I may meet with either or both people individually in order to supplement the work done as a pair. Any of the work done individually will be aligned with the therapeutic goals of the couple.

As a couple’s therapist…

  • The relationship is my client, not the individuals. With that said, I will work to do what is best for the sake of the relationship itself.

  • I will not hold secrets for either member. Sometimes secrets between partners get brought up in individual sessions. When this happens I will support that member in bringing it up in the next session held as a pair.

  • I am not interested in judging who is right and who is wrong - you can have this fight at home for free. If either member feels that I am siding against them, I invite them to this bring up in session whenever possible.

  • Neither of you will be allowed to cut off/talk over the other person or myself, and I reserve that right in order to maintain a safe and healing container.